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Providing you with a platform to reach new heights!

Do you have a project for development but your expertise is not writing specs or code? Are your gifted at selling but do not receive satisfaction from project development? Altima may be the perfect partner for you.

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Dedicated teams

Does your business require constant IT efforts, but cannot afford to hire professional developers in your core staff? Consider forming a dedicated developer team with us! We can build a team of well-qualified and motivated developers who will work for you as an organic part of your team, but without many of the problems an in-house team may bring.

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Fixed price Projects

For this type of work, the payment amount does not depend on the volume of resources or time-spent on the project. Fixed price projects may take a little longer to start, however, time until completion is usually quicker than anticipated.

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In the world of IT technologies, the most successful projects have been designed and built by individuals –  not by multi-billion dollar corporations. Realizing this, our individuals are ready to assist in developing your interesting ideas. Let’s get meet and work together.

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web consulting

Even the simplest of projects requires preparation, case analysis and strategy development. Understanding the problem, analyzing various solutions and selecting the optimal strategy for success are important in any project.

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Corporate Identity

Corporate Identity is a set of visual elements used to promote the image of a brand. It’s a combination of words, color schemes, layouts and designs, used to make a visual statement about your company’s philosophy – both to the public and your employees.

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HTML is a standard markup language used to create web pages and interfaces. Most of the websites you visit are sets of HTML files, converted to ‘graphic mode’ by your browser.

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WordPress is a theme-based system. You can change design of your website by switching between different themes on the fly without having to alter website’s content. The number of themes reaches hundreds of thousands and keeps on growing, you can always find one to your liking, no matter if it’s a corporate website or an online store.

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UI design

UI design must help you get the necessary information as fast as possible, without drawing unnecessary attention to its tools and means. The best UI design is invisible: it makes user’s interaction as simple as it can be, focus on usability and adapt to changing user needs.

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Java Script

Java Script is a programming language widely used to make web pages interactive. With it you can make your website react to how user behaves on the page: validate form fields, show mouse hover animation, make your website responsive etc.

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Content Management System is an online tool, which makes your website’s management easier. It allows you to update the content of your website in a visual interface and does not require any code knowledge or programming skills, while a large variety of plugins helps to obtain any functionality you might need.

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A framework is a set of ready-to-use functions, which allows developers to simplify the web development process. Instead of inventing a bicycle and performing same tasks over and over again, you can use framework’s libraries to implement standard often-used elements and functionality.

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Magento is a flexible ecommerce solution, which allows you to open own online store. Its a highly customizable and functional Content Management System used to put your products out on the web, so that your customers could find them and order online!

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PHP is an open source scripting and programming language, used to create web pages with dynamic content. In other words, this is the technology behind the screen: you don’t see it, yet your website still functions perfectly!

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UX design

User Experience is a combination of all the theoretical and practical experience a person has had with your company, its services and products. UX includes all the positive and negative emotions, which in one way or another customers relate to your brand.

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We are a digital developers’ company, which has been operating in the international market since 2000
19 years
500 completed projects
250 happy clients
We work with small clients & global brands
RGB Interactive
JM Web Design company
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